Alumni Award

Each year, AMIGOS presents awards to deserving alumni who wish to join an AMIGOS program again. This year, packages range from $250–$1,500 for Summer Programs and up to $3,000 for Gap Programs. Candidates must exemplify our mission and program values of developing global leaders committed to service. Check out the guidelines to apply below and reach out with any questions!

Guidelines to Apply

  1. Fill out an AMIGOS online application.
  2. Pay the application fee. You may wait to pay the fee until after your Alumni Award application is reviewed if you would like.
  3. Answer the questions on the Alumni Award application and email them to our Admissions team at [email protected]. In the same email, please include your guardians’ most recent 1040 tax form.

Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis. A decision about your Alumni Award application will be shared with you via email within two weeks of submission of your complete application.

Download the Alumni Award application here.


Meet recent alums who received the Alumni Award and learn how this award gave them a chance to experience another lifechanging AMIGOS program.

amigos alumni awardBianca Orzoco, Houston, Texas

How did you hear about AMIGOS & what motivated you to join in the first place?

I first heard about AMIGOS when a representative was sent to speak about the AMIGOS high school summer program. I knew that I wanted to study abroad but wasn’t sure how it was going to happen. Hearing from the AMIGOS representative was what truly motivated me.

How did you hear about the Alumni Merit Award?

Ms. Ann of course, from the Houston Chapter. She knew I was interested in participating for my second summer in a row. She told me to take advantage of that free money.

Why was it important to you to have another experience?

I believe when you come back from your first trip with AMIGOS, you change so much and become a brighter person. I knew that I needed to take advantage of a second amazing summer opportunity with AMIGOS.

What did you learn from your second experience that you didn’t learn on your first program?

I was constantly asked to compare my two summers with AMIGOS, but the only thing I could say was that they did not nearly compare.  Both experiences brought so much change in my life and gave me a new perspective on community and the impact I was leaving on the world.

How did the Alumni Merit Award make your second program experience possible?

My financial situation was a mess, honestly. In my situation, I depended on the Alumni Merit Award to participate for the second summer in a row. Without it, I would have not at all been able to participate. I was so thankful that AMIGOS gave me a chance to participate in the 2022 summer program!

What advice do you have for fellow alumni who are considering applying for the award?

Apply! Apply! Apply! There is no harm in applying. If you’re here it’s because AMIGOS also changed your life. A second summer would be just as life changing with a new set of experiences.