This past weekend, the Coclé project held its Fiesta Amistad and youth excursion events. Volunteers traveled to staff city, Penonomé, with two local volunteers from each of their host communities.
At Fiesta Amistad, volunteers heard presentations from Sustainable Harvest International (SHI) about sustainable agriculture projects in different rural communities around Coclé. Local artisans from Membrillo attended the event leading demonstrations and giving volunteers the opportunity to make some of their own art. Other presentations included a biologist from a local butterfly conservatory, collaborations between volunteers and their local volunteers about their communities, and a singing and dance performance! Overall, it was a very fun day, and a great way to share what different volunteers have been up to in their communities!
From Fiesta Amistad, volunteers, local youth, and staff all traveled to El Valle de Anton for an excursion! We were treated to a wonderful meal of “arroz con pollo” at Hotel Mandarinos and had the opportunity to meet all of our partner agencies’ representatives.
The following day, we went out in groups to work at Cerro Gaital to do activities such as paint signs, dig trenches, and complete reforestation initiatives. In the afternoon, we went on a trash walk and planted trees at the entrance of el Valle, and even got featured on TV! Overall, we had a really fun weekend and it was nice to spend some time outside of our communities together as a group.