Our despedida is tomorrow which means that today is the last full day in community. Today participants started the day by welcoming SPS Guille who brought Despedida materials. These included cakes, candy and piñatas. Yay!
In Bella Vista the participants finished up their CBIP by painting designs on the floor.
Meanwhile in Sonadora, they helped at the school’s garden and facilitated Extracurricular activities with the students. The kids in school were very welcoming to our participants and this helped them gain even more confidence in facilitating these activities.
Meanwhile in Aguas Blancas a group of college students stopped at the school to carry on an English Teaching project. Participants got excited about the idea of supporting college students in their project, so they co-facilitated the teaching sessions.
A very strong storm came by before midday, but this did not stop our participants. They got lunch and during the afternoon they started working on a monitored self-reflection on their whole experience in Panama. Many of them started thinking about how awesome Isla Cañas was and how beautiful and simple the local community was. Others pointed out the unforgettable experience of living in a host family’s house for a week. Getting to try some diverse Panamanian food, having great conversations with host parents and playing games with their host siblings were among the many things they highlighted on their evaluations.
Their last night in community was waiting for them so all our participants went to their host families’ houses to enjoy their last supper with their host families. Tomorrow they will have to say goodbye to the community with a colorful and cheerful despedida party. Some of our participants are already nervous about having to say goodbye to the people with whom they bonded so quickly. But afterwards: Panama City, here we go!