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Watch the Video | Amigos de las Americas | April 1, 2020

AMIGOS President & CEO Sara Nathan joined Houston’s Fox 26 News to discuss how to talk to teens about COVID-19.

She shares what it means to be a global citizen, especially during the pandemic when international travel isn’t possible. That means cultivating compassion, showing empathy, and having a responsibility to their community at home as well as the broader world.

Throughout history, teens and young people have played a critical role in finding creative solutions and facing global challenges. We should empower them to rise to the challenges of today’s crises.

We should also acknowledge their grief in missing out on milestones like graduation and even just daily social interactions. They may need space to grieve and time to connect with others. Finally, help them find trusted news sources and articles and have an open conversation with them about how they are feeling. Help them find empathy for others and understand they are not alone. Challenge them to look for the things they can find joy in.


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