In September, AMIGOS bid farewell to the property that was home to our National Office for 42 years.
Star Lane, as it was fondly called, was the beloved long-time facility and headquarters of AMIGOS from 1974–2016. The land was originally donated by the Frank family.

At Star Lane, friendships were formed that have lasted for a lifetime. More than 1,000 senior program staff were trained, nearly 2,000 Houston Chapter volunteers prepared for their experiences in Latin America, and generations of chapter leaders held meetings in the building. We will never forget the flag-lined wooden atrium and the many moments in history that were captured there.

In the last decade, AMIGOS has moved towards a more remote-based and virtual workplace with staff located in cities and countries throughout the Americas. This staffing model has strengthened our ability to develop new programs quickly, enroll students, and expand our impact throughout the year.
Since the COVID-19 pandemic started to spread in the U.S. and Latin America, staff have practiced social distancing and adopted a remote work schedule.
Thank you, Star Lane, for being our home for decades.