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One of our Community Impact Project volunteers- Saylor, from San Carlos, CA – shares about her experiences with AMIGOS in Panama and virtually, as well as her service project about mental health support! Learn about the Community Impact Project here.


Community Impact Project Volunteer Saylor

In the summer of 2019, I went to Coclé, Panama with AMIGOS. When COVID-19 hit, I wanted to find something to fill my time during the summer, and I got an email that AMIGOS had created the Community Impact Project.

I immediately wanted to join and am so glad that I did! I have always wanted to start my own service project but didn’t know how to start. Through this program, AMIGOS gave me the tools to create and implement a successful project.

Before the Community Impact Project started, I thought that it would be difficult to get to know people well virtually. I was completely wrong. I got to know my cohort very well and our community was so supportive. One of my favorite moments during the Community Impact Projects was when we were doing an online puzzle together. Even though we were trying to complete the very difficult puzzle, we were all talking and laughing while having fun. I’ve made some great friends and hope that we all stay in touch!

“Before the Community Impact Project started, I thought that it would be difficult to get to know people well virtually. I was completely wrong.”


Root Cause Tree, an exercise Saylor completed in the Community Impact Project to help define her service project.


For my service project, I designed “Siblings Need Support Too.” I will be providing support for siblings of people with mental health disorders. As the sibling of someone with a mental health disorder, I have seen a huge lack of resources for siblings.
For my project, I will be creating a Facebook group. With this platform, the “healthy sibling” can share what they are going through with others that understand and those in the group can respond to each other’s posts to help support each other. Once my Facebook community has started to grow, I am planning on partnering with doctors and therapists to provide additional support and resources to the siblings in my group.
The Impact Statement for Saylor’s Project:
Siblings of someone with an illness need a way to talk about what they are experiencing and a way to educate themselves on how to help their sibling because the perspective of the sibling is rarely discussed but can make an impact on the recovery process. My impact should give the siblings a platform to share what they are going through as well as educate themselves about their siblings’ illness and what they can do to help.
Part of Saylor’s presentation from her service project.

During the Community Impact Project, we learned about our leadership styles, how to create a project, what failure means, and so much more. All of the skills that I learned will be applicable to school and beyond when I eventually enter the workforce!



Thank you Saylor for sharing your experience! Learn more about our Community Impact Project here.

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